Outer Hebrides-wide consultation on Marine Protected Areas and their management with community involvement

Over the past three years we have sought communities’ views on marine management, environmental protection and what would best suit us all for the future when it comes to Marine Protected Areas, or MPAs.*

Now, we at MarPAMM – Seas of the Outer Hebrides are launching the final in-depth consultation of the project in the Outer Hebrides. (MarPAMM is a €6.4M EU INTERREG VA funded project, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body, to improve the monitoring and management of protected marine species and habitats in Northern Ireland, Ireland and western Scotland). From what we have learned: from our 2020 survey; from meetings with a dedicated focus group, and with fishing industry representatives, we have developed a community-led vision, four long-term objectives and ten linked recommendations for the management of MPAs. We would like to seek your feedback on these before presenting final project outcomes.

The consultation will run for 8 weeks from 31st May 2022. There is an online portal with information at our existing Storymap site at this link.

Click here to take the survey